SOn Monday 21st September 6 students participated at SANTOS stadium in the State Athletics carnival. These students represented our Southern District. Many got their Personal Best and all ranked high in their overall Country State events. Congratulations to Connor (Discus 4th), Bryce (Discus 7th, Shot Put 10th), Ella (800m 8th, 100m relay 4th), Sophie (Shot Put 1st, relay and 100m), Jye (Discus 6th and Long Jump 7th) and Sarah (Long Jump 6th) for your successful participation on the day. Thanks to their parents for organising them and cheering them on. Sophie is awaiting notification to see if she will be invited to represent the State in Shot Put in a future competition. Good luck Sophie.


The school’s Athletics team of 30 students competed at Victor Harbor Primary on Thursday 3rd September. It was a cold, windy day and students had to compete on a boggy oval in patches. Everyone did their best though and had a great day. Students coming first in their events have been invited to compete at SANTOS representing our District. We wish these athletes an enjoyable experience and hope they do well.
Thank you to Sharon, Kristin and Natalie for assisting us on the day. Also a big thank you to the students who helped transport the shade, erect and dismantle it and for helping assist our students throughout the day. This day requires a lot of assistance and I am very proud of the way our team helped and supported each other.

Place getters were:
 1st Achol High Jump, Connor Discus, Bryce Discus, Ella 800m, Sophie Shot Put and 100m, Jye Discus and Long Jump, Sarah Long Jump.
 2nd Achol Discus, Bryce Shot Put,, Logan Shot Put, Georgia P Shot Put.
 3rd Achol Long Jump, Riley 800m, Sophie 200m, Logan Discus, Kosta Shot Put, Dylan High Jump
Well done to all students for competing and achieving their best results. As always, the students from Port Elliot Primary School conducted themselves with utmost responsibility and respect throughout the day.

SACA Milo20 Cricket at Encounter Bay for Year 6/7’s

The date for the Super 8’s style carnival at Encounter Bay has been set for Tuesday October 14th. The year 6/7’s who were interested have formed their teams of 8 and are practicing at break times. Each team nominated must have an adult in charge of the team on the day. This is the carnival we won last year, then we played at Adelaide Oval and won that, then we played at MCG and became Australian Champions. So, if you are interested in supervising a team on the day, please let me know. There could be a trip to Adelaide Oval or the MCG involved!


The school’s Athletics team was meant to have competed at Victor Harbor Primary on Friday 28th August but due to the weather it has been postponed to Thursday 3rd September. New consents and information have been sent home with the athletes this week. Practices are occurring during designated lunch breaks. If you are able to assist on the day please let me know. Thanks


We played the quarter final against Flagstaff Hill Primary at Goolwa football oval on Friday 14th August. The weather started with sunshine and no wind but by the end of the game it was pouring with rain. The boys did a great job against a very strong, disciplined team. We were winning by 2 points at quarter time, a draw at half time, 3 points down at 3 quarter time but, unfortunately, lost the game in the last quarter by 4 goals. This means the boys are now “knocked out” of the carnival and have no more games

.We would like to thank the Goolwa football club and president Shaun for allowing us to use their oval, to Fraser for organising, setting up and cleaning up the ground and clubrooms for us, and to Ryan for volunteering his time to umpire such an intense game in horrid conditions. Thanks also to Peta for timekeeping, Troy and Sharyn for goal umpiring and to all the parents who came to cheer us on. SAPSASA events foster great relationships between the school, parents and local community. This support is greatly appreciated and without it, these events would not occur. The students and I are very grateful for all the support these events receive from our school community and the wider community.

Physical Education (P.E.)

Port Elliot Primary School is committed to and actively develops our students’ physical, social and emotional well being and supports students to achieve their best in a wide range of sporting activities.
Specialist Physical Education lessons have been offered as a specialist subject since 2011. Each class participates in 1 or 2 lessons a week, with social development, physical activity and participation for all the key priority. The program is highly skilled based, focussing on fundamental movement skill development along with a range of skills required in numerous sporting activities. Team work and the social skills required for successful participation in all activities are also supported and developed.
Specialised weekly PE lessons nurture children’s sporting and social development by:
 Fostering a full range of fundamental movement skills. This includes kicking, throwing, catching or hitting a ball, running, jumping, skipping, hopping, movement, climbing skills, etc. The program encourages ambidexterity / dominant, non dominant development (use of limbs on both sides of the body).
 Promoting play by setting up diverse and stimulating environments. We use a variety of areas around the school and provide a vast range of sports equipment.
 Fostering everyday sporting activities and desire to be active. This occurs by providing a positive encouraging team environment for sporting activities and getting involved.
 Providing opportunities for children to sample a variety of movement and sporting activities. Sampling a large range of sports assists the development of a full range of sporting skills, coordination and control.
 Regular recess and lunch time activities are run by the specialist teacher and students. A wide variety of sports equipment is also available for classes and students to use throughout the day.
SAPSASA events and interschool surfing are extra programs run by the school. We have achieved a lot of success throughout the years with these events, with students representing the school, district and state in their chosen activity. Many students go on to further their involvement in their chosen physical activities in High School and beyond. In 2014 we won the inaugural T20 cricket Bash which involved both the boys and girls cricket team winning the local competition at Encounter Bay, then they both played in the state wide carnival at Adelaide Oval which the boys won, and then they went on to win the Australian championship held at the MCG. This year we have the boys’ basketball team in the state wide grand final and the boys’ football team made it through to the quarter final of the knockout completion. The cricket carnival is still to be played in Term 4.
The school values of community, confidence and respect are intertwined and necessary for successful participation in P.E. and all of these extra programs. These values are explicitly taught, expected, highly visible and emphasised throughout all of these programs.
Physical Education and all of these extra events foster positive partnerships and involvement between the school, parents and local community. This support is greatly appreciated and without it, these events would not occur. The students and staff are very grateful for all the support these events receive from our school community and the wider community

SACA Milo20 Cricket at Encounter Bay for Year 6/7’s.

The date for the Super 8’s style carnival at Encounter Bay has been set for Tuesday October 14th. The year 6/7’s who are interested are forming their teams of 8. Each team nominated must have an adult in charge of the team on the day. This is the carnival we won last year, then we played at Adelaide Oval and won, then we played at MCG and became Australian Champions. So, if you are interested in supervising a team on the day, please let me know. There could be a trip to Adelaide Oval or the MCG involved!


On Wednesday 5th August, 8 Year 5/6 and 8 Year 6/7 girls competed in a round robin basketball carnival at Morphett Vale Stadium. The girls finished 4th (Year 5/6) and 5th (Year 6/7) in their respective pools. Both teams won 2 games, the 5/6 team also drew a game and both teams were very close in all other games. All girls played well, learnt lots and showed tremendous sportsmanship and teamwork. Thank you to Natarsha and Sheena for coaching and to the parents for driving, scoring, timekeeping and cheering us on.

On Thursday 6th August, 8 Year 5/6 and 8 Year 6/7 boys competed in a round robin basketball carnival at Morphett Vale Stadium. The year 5/6 team finished 3rd in their pool, winning 3 games, losing 2 and drawing 1. Thank you to Kristin and Kerry for coaching this team. The Year 6/7 boys team won all 6 games and then played off in the grand final of the 2 pools competing that day. They won! So now they are through to the state wide Grand Final on Thursday 17th September. We wish the boys luck. Practices are occurring with Trina during lunch times. Thanks to the parents for driving, scoring, timekeeping and cheering both teams on. It was a great atmosphere and both teams played fair, determined, competitive basketball.


In PE the students have begun their unit of work in Athletics.
100m, 200m, 800m, long jump, high jump, discus and shot
put are some of the events that will be covered. Students
born in 2005, 2004, 2003 and 2002 will be given the
opportunity to trial in the events mentioned above for the
school’s Athletics team, which will compete at Victor Harbor
Primary on Friday 28th August. More information will be sent
home with the successful athletes once all trials are
completed. Practices will occur for the selected athletes
during designated lunch breaks.


28 boys and 31 girls trialled for positions in the Yr 5-6 girls,
Yr 5-6 boys, Yr 6-7 girls and Yr 6-7 boys basketball teams
late last term. Each team consists of 8 players who will play
in a day long carnival at Morphett Vale. The girls play on
Wednesday 5th August and the boys on Thursday 6th August.
Information has been sent home with the selected team
members. Practices are occurring during designated lunch
breaks. Reserves have been encouraged to practice with the
teams and will be notified if a position becomes available.
Thank you to Natarsha, Kerry, Kristin and Sheena for
volunteering to coach these teams.


Our next match, the quarter final, will be played against
Flagstaff Hill Primary. We will be playing at Goolwa football
oval on Friday 14th August at 10:30am. Thanks to the
Goolwa football club for allowing us to use their oval and to
Ryan for umpiring.
Practices are occurring Friday lunch on the school oval
with Matt Smith (coach) and Trina Doig.


Congratulations to Muskan, Shanice, Mallee and Hassan who were chosen to represent our District in Hockey, and to Kasey who was chosen to represent our District in Soccer. They played in a week long carnival in Adelaide. By all accounts they had an enjoyable experience. Congratulations also to teacher Kerry Dodd who coached the District girls’ Hockey team who finished 3rd overall. Well done to the Hockey Boys’ team who came 2nd and to Kasey’s Girls’ Soccer team who came first in their competition. 


Our girls Netball team played at Murray Bridge on Friday 19th June against Bordertown Primary. Our opposition were a very experienced team of Year 7’s who defeated us convincingly. However, the girls tried really hard all match and have definitely learnt a lot about netball and improved immensely this year.


Thanks to Jodie for umpiring and driving. Thanks again to Annie for her coaching and support of our netball program.


Our second round game for Football was played against Unity College Football team at Strathalbyn on Thursday 18th June. The boys played a tremendous defensive game keeping the opposition to 1 point. Our attack on the ball got stronger as the game continued, with us scoring 6 goals 9 by the final siren. All boys played really well and were committed, positive team members. Congratulations boys on the respect and attitude you showed on the journey there and back and during the game.


Thanks to Fraser for coaching and practicing the boys. Thanks to Brett for goal umpiring and Peta for timekeeping. We greatly appreciate this support. Thanks also to the parents and family members who travelled to support the boys.


Our third round match was against Eastern Fleurieu school on Tuesday 30th June at Strathalbyn Oval.We played a strong, determined game and won 8 goal 4 to 7 goal 3.Thanks again to Matt for coaching, Aidan for goal umpiring and Peta for timekeeping.


Our next match, the quarter final, will be played against Flagstaff Hill Primary.


Practices are occurring Friday lunch on the school oval with Matt Smith (coach) and Trina Doig.


We had 7 competitors compete for our Southern District at Oakbank for the State Cross Country event on Thursday 4th June. Well done to Sunset, Jye, Ryan, Achol, Kasper, Luke and Eli. By all accounts they had a very rewarding experience, competing against other students from other Districts.



In PE the students have begun their unit of work in Athletics. 100m, 200m, 800m, long jump, high jump, discus and shot put are some of the events that will be covered. Students born in 2005, 2004, 2003 and 2002 will be given the opportunity to trial in the events mentioned above for the school’s Athletics team, which will compete at Victor Harbor Primary on Friday 28th August. More information will be sent home with the successful athletes next term once all trials are completed.


Year 5-7 girls and boys have been invited to trial for our school SAPSASA Basketball teams during Tuesday lunch times with Trina. A team of 8 will be chosen for Yr 5-6 girls, Yr 5-6 boys, Yr 6-7 girls and Yr 6-7 boys. The girls play on Wednesday 5th August and the boys on Thursday 6th August at Morphett Vale. Thank you to Natarsha, Kerry, Kristin and Sheena for volunteering to coach these teams. More information will be sent home with the selected players later this term or early next term. 


Our second round soccer match was played on Friday 12th May at Breakers Oval against All Saints School. We played a tight, defensive game but unfortunately were not able to find the goal in our offensive plays.  Final score was 3-0. Congratulations to the boys, they all played so well. Thanks to Greg for his assistance. Thanks again to Josh for coaching and to Joel (and Chris) for being our lines referee. Thanks also to Quentin for volunteering his time to referee the game for us. Without such great community support these extra activities would not be possible. Both games were played at Breakers Oval and we are very grateful for the club’s ongoing support.


Our second round game for Football will be played against Unity College Football team at Strathalbyn on Thursday 18th June and we will play Bordertown Primary in the Netball at Murray Bridge on Friday 19th June. We wish all the teams the best of luck.


Practices are occurring at the following times:


  • Thursday lunch on school netball court with Trina Doig


  • Friday lunch on school oval with Matt Smith (coach) and Trina Doig



For football games we need a football umpire, goal umpire, time keeper and scorer. For netball we need an umpire, scorer and timekeeper. If we can not fill these positions our team will need to forfeit. So please let me know a.s.a.p. if you can assist in anyway. Thank you.