We played the quarter final against Flagstaff Hill Primary at Goolwa football oval on Friday 14th August. The weather started with sunshine and no wind but by the end of the game it was pouring with rain. The boys did a great job against a very strong, disciplined team. We were winning by 2 points at quarter time, a draw at half time, 3 points down at 3 quarter time but, unfortunately, lost the game in the last quarter by 4 goals. This means the boys are now “knocked out” of the carnival and have no more games

.We would like to thank the Goolwa football club and president Shaun for allowing us to use their oval, to Fraser for organising, setting up and cleaning up the ground and clubrooms for us, and to Ryan for volunteering his time to umpire such an intense game in horrid conditions. Thanks also to Peta for timekeeping, Troy and Sharyn for goal umpiring and to all the parents who came to cheer us on. SAPSASA events foster great relationships between the school, parents and local community. This support is greatly appreciated and without it, these events would not occur. The students and I are very grateful for all the support these events receive from our school community and the wider community.