Physical Education (P.E.)

Port Elliot Primary School is committed to and actively develops our students’ physical, social and emotional well being and supports students to achieve their best in a wide range of sporting activities.
Specialist Physical Education lessons have been offered as a specialist subject since 2011. Each class participates in 1 or 2 lessons a week, with social development, physical activity and participation for all the key priority. The program is highly skilled based, focussing on fundamental movement skill development along with a range of skills required in numerous sporting activities. Team work and the social skills required for successful participation in all activities are also supported and developed.
Specialised weekly PE lessons nurture children’s sporting and social development by:
 Fostering a full range of fundamental movement skills. This includes kicking, throwing, catching or hitting a ball, running, jumping, skipping, hopping, movement, climbing skills, etc. The program encourages ambidexterity / dominant, non dominant development (use of limbs on both sides of the body).
 Promoting play by setting up diverse and stimulating environments. We use a variety of areas around the school and provide a vast range of sports equipment.
 Fostering everyday sporting activities and desire to be active. This occurs by providing a positive encouraging team environment for sporting activities and getting involved.
 Providing opportunities for children to sample a variety of movement and sporting activities. Sampling a large range of sports assists the development of a full range of sporting skills, coordination and control.
 Regular recess and lunch time activities are run by the specialist teacher and students. A wide variety of sports equipment is also available for classes and students to use throughout the day.
SAPSASA events and interschool surfing are extra programs run by the school. We have achieved a lot of success throughout the years with these events, with students representing the school, district and state in their chosen activity. Many students go on to further their involvement in their chosen physical activities in High School and beyond. In 2014 we won the inaugural T20 cricket Bash which involved both the boys and girls cricket team winning the local competition at Encounter Bay, then they both played in the state wide carnival at Adelaide Oval which the boys won, and then they went on to win the Australian championship held at the MCG. This year we have the boys’ basketball team in the state wide grand final and the boys’ football team made it through to the quarter final of the knockout completion. The cricket carnival is still to be played in Term 4.
The school values of community, confidence and respect are intertwined and necessary for successful participation in P.E. and all of these extra programs. These values are explicitly taught, expected, highly visible and emphasised throughout all of these programs.
Physical Education and all of these extra events foster positive partnerships and involvement between the school, parents and local community. This support is greatly appreciated and without it, these events would not occur. The students and staff are very grateful for all the support these events receive from our school community and the wider community