The school’s Athletics team of 30 students competed at Victor Harbor Primary on Thursday 3rd September. It was a cold, windy day and students had to compete on a boggy oval in patches. Everyone did their best though and had a great day. Students coming first in their events have been invited to compete at SANTOS representing our District. We wish these athletes an enjoyable experience and hope they do well.
Thank you to Sharon, Kristin and Natalie for assisting us on the day. Also a big thank you to the students who helped transport the shade, erect and dismantle it and for helping assist our students throughout the day. This day requires a lot of assistance and I am very proud of the way our team helped and supported each other.

Place getters were:
 1st Achol High Jump, Connor Discus, Bryce Discus, Ella 800m, Sophie Shot Put and 100m, Jye Discus and Long Jump, Sarah Long Jump.
 2nd Achol Discus, Bryce Shot Put,, Logan Shot Put, Georgia P Shot Put.
 3rd Achol Long Jump, Riley 800m, Sophie 200m, Logan Discus, Kosta Shot Put, Dylan High Jump
Well done to all students for competing and achieving their best results. As always, the students from Port Elliot Primary School conducted themselves with utmost responsibility and respect throughout the day.