Student Leadership Day


The 2020 House Captains, SRC, Wellbeing Ambassadors, Sustainability and Assembly committees were involved in a Student Leadership Day held at PEPS on Friday Term 1 Week 5, the 28th of February 2020. Trina, Karen, Kate and Vic along with guest speaker, Ashley Manuel from Growing With Gratitude, held presentations, and ran workshops and team building activities with the students. Themes of the day focused on gratitude, resilience, self belief, ownership, empathy, appreciating others and leadership.

The students set goals to help them be effective leaders who will “make a positive difference” to PEPS in 2020.
The students also got to hear about leadership from 2 of our leaders at PEPS - Brenton and Kerry. (Unfortunately, Bu Kelly was at a training day and could not attend but passed on some of her thoughts on leadership which were shared with the students).

By all accounts, the students really enjoyed this opportunity and demonstrated a lot of gratitude towards Ashley and the PEPS staff who organised and ran the day.

Port Elliot Primary School has received 12 month free access to the Growing With Gratitude GRIT program fully resourced online. The students and staff will have access to this to further develop these leadership skills and personal qualities.

you would like more information re the Growing With Gratitude program feel free
to contact Ashley on the details below:

+61 (0) 405 188 355



The SAPSASA Swimming carnival was held on Wednesday 19th February at Strathalbyn Swimming Centre. We had 18 students compete and represent our school. 9 schools competed overall.

Our school finished 2nd for the day, with Victor Harbor Primary in 1st place. However, PEPS won the Handicap Shield. The handicap shield is awarded based on the size of each school’s year 4-7 enrolments and the overall points their students received on the day. 

Well done to the students for trying their hardest and achieving their best result on the day. We had many place getters, with 9 students being invited to represent our Southern Fleurieu District at the State Sapsasa swim meet in a few weeks, at Marion Aquatic Centre. Congratulations to Corey, Amelia, Keat, April, Rai, Brydie, Zeb, Ava and Tayla. We wish you all the best.

Some results were:

- 50m Freestyle:
1st Corey & Amelia (setting new District Records), 2nd Keat & April, 3rd Raimundo & Brydie, 5th Ava, 6th Zebadai

  -  100m
Freestyle: 1st Corey & Keat, 2nd Amelia, 4th Brydie & Tayla, 6th Ava

50m Backstroke:
1st Corey & Amelia, 4th Ava, 5th Zeb

50m Breaststroke: 1st Amelia and Zeb, 2nd Ava, 4th Brydie

Butterfly: 1st Keat, Ava, Tayla & Amelia-(setting new District Record)

Congratulations to all the students and thanks again to all our adult helpers on the day. Your support and
cheering was greatly appreciated. Special thanks to Caroline for coaching and mentoring the team and to Justin, Brett, Miranda and Linda for timekeeping.

Port Power visit

Jack Watts, Darcy Byrne- Jones, Jackson Mead and Jake Patmore (players from the Port Adelaide Power Football Club) visited our school on Tuesday 11th February (Week 3, Term 1) as part of their Power Community Youth Program. The visit consisted of a school assembly conducted by Port Adelaide Football Club players who discussed their pathway into the AFL, living a healthy lifestyle and their current pre-season schedule. Thank you to Port Power football club for this opportunity.

Power visit.png


In Week 1 this Term, students born in 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007 were offered the opportunity to try out for a spot in our school Sapsasa Swimming team. The carnival is to be held in Week 4 on Wednesday 19th February at Strathalbyn Swimming Centre. Please make sure all forms are completed and brought back to school as soon as possible. If you need further information about this carnival please contact Trina at school.

Sapsasa Events

Our school participates in a wide range of Sapsasa events throughout the year.  Trina and Kate train and trial students to represent the school at these events. Sapsasa is aimed mainly at Year 6 and 7 students but there will be opportunities for Year 4 and 5 students to participate in some sports. The events we anticipate
competing in this year are:

  • Swimming
         (students born 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007). Wednesday 19th February at Strathalbyn pool

  • Football
         (Year 6/7 girls. Encounter Bay Oval, Friday 20th March)

  • Cross Country (students born 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007). Wednesday 29th April at Kent Reserve

  • Netball (Year 6/7 girls. Victor Harbor High Carnival Wednesday 6th May

  • Football (Year 6/7 boys. Encounter Bay Carnival Wednesday 6th May)

  • Basketball (Year 6/7’s Carnival Wednesday 29th July. Morphett Vale stadium)

  • Basketball  (Year 4/5’s Carnival Wednesday 5th August. Morphett Vale stadium)

  • Athletics   (students born 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007). Wednesday 12th August at Victor Harbor Primary

  • Cricket (Year 6/7’s. Cricket Carnival normally in Term 4).

  • Tennis (Years 3/4 Friday 23rd October, Victor Harbor Tennis Courts)

    When information on these events is available we will put notices in the Newsletter and send notes home with the students who are interested.

There also will be opportunities for students to try out for the Southern Fleurieu District Association teams in various sports and also for Sapsasa State teams. Again, when this information becomes available to us we will inform all eligible via the newsletter and notices home. This year the District Sapsasa convenor

Sapsasa State Teams Selections

Interested students wanting to trial for State teams need to refer to the Sapsasa website ( to access all trial information and nomination forms.

If you wish to trial for a team, an online nomination must be completed and submitted by the due date for each sport. Information for each sport is available by clicking on List of Sports, then the sport you are interested in nominating for. (A separate nomination form is required for each sport). It is up to the student and their parent/caregiver to enrol, pay for and attend these try outs. See Trina or Kate at school if you
need more information re this process. Our Southern Fleurieu Zone Convenor is Danny Robinson. You can contact him via email

2020 House Captains

Congratulations to all the students who ran for 2020 House Captain. The students who were voted in by their peers to represent them this year at Sports Day and throughout the year are:

Boomer: Chloe, Imogen, Gracie and Hayley

Commodore: Maddi, Nadia, Riley and Cody

Freeman: Izabella, April, Riley and Patrick

Knights: Karly, Emily, Jett and Keat

These students have started preparing for Sports Day, have organised the new team chants, are working on the warm up and are coordinating break time activities. A busy, productive start to the year.

Our school Sports Day has been set as Term 1, Week 10, Friday 3rd April 2020.

Boomer for website.PNG
Commodore for website.PNG
Freeman for website.PNG
Knights for website.PNG

In PE this year we will be focusing on learning and further developing our Fundamental Movement Skills and the skills required for successful team work and participation in many sporting activities and events. Fitness and active lifestyles are also a focus.

Students are required in all PE lessons to wear appropriate footwear and clothing conducive to successful participation, so please be sure to encourage your child to wear these needs every day we have PE. They also require a hat in Terms 1 and 4.

Thank you.

2020 House Captains

The candidates who were running for House Captain in 2020 delivered their speeches to all classes on Monday Week 7. Voting occurred in Week 7 PE lessons.

The successful House Captains for 2020 are:

Boomer: Chloe, Imogen, Gracie and Hayley

Commodore: Maddi, Nadia, Riley and Cody

Freeman: Izabella, April, Riley and Patrick

Knights: Karly, Emily, Jett and Keat

Congratulations to all involved. We hope you found it a rewarding and enjoyable experience.

The new House Captains will have the responsibilities handed over to them at the end of year awards assembly. They will also have training during the remainder of Week 8&9 by the existing House Captains.


A reminder that Sports Day will be held on Friday Week 10, Term 1, 3rd April 2020.