Student Leadership Day


The 2020 House Captains, SRC, Wellbeing Ambassadors, Sustainability and Assembly committees were involved in a Student Leadership Day held at PEPS on Friday Term 1 Week 5, the 28th of February 2020. Trina, Karen, Kate and Vic along with guest speaker, Ashley Manuel from Growing With Gratitude, held presentations, and ran workshops and team building activities with the students. Themes of the day focused on gratitude, resilience, self belief, ownership, empathy, appreciating others and leadership.

The students set goals to help them be effective leaders who will “make a positive difference” to PEPS in 2020.
The students also got to hear about leadership from 2 of our leaders at PEPS - Brenton and Kerry. (Unfortunately, Bu Kelly was at a training day and could not attend but passed on some of her thoughts on leadership which were shared with the students).

By all accounts, the students really enjoyed this opportunity and demonstrated a lot of gratitude towards Ashley and the PEPS staff who organised and ran the day.

Port Elliot Primary School has received 12 month free access to the Growing With Gratitude GRIT program fully resourced online. The students and staff will have access to this to further develop these leadership skills and personal qualities.

you would like more information re the Growing With Gratitude program feel free
to contact Ashley on the details below:

+61 (0) 405 188 355