Southern Fleurieu District Boys and Girls Soccer trials information

Southern Fleurieu would like to invite year 6 and 7 boys and girls who are interested in playing Soccer against other district teams at the School Sport SA Sapsasa State Carnival to nominate to attend trials with the possibility of being selected in the district team. The carnival will be played at Adelaide Shores, West Beach during school hours in Week 8 this term from Monday 9th to Thursday 12th of September.

FIRST TRIAL: for both boys and girls is being held at Eastern Fleurieu School 7-12 Campus Callington Rd Strathalbyn on TUESDAY 13TH OF AUGUST AT 4PM

SECOND TRIAL: B0YS: is at Pt Elliot Soccer Club TUESDAY 20th OF AUGUST 4PM

                             GIRLS: is again at Eastern Fleurieu School also on TUESDAY 20th OF AUGUST 4PM

Trina has handed out trial nomination forms to interested students. Please see Trina for further information.

Southern Fleurieu District Boys and Girls Hockey trials information

Southern Fleurieu would like to invite year 5, 6 and 7 boys and girls who are interested in playing Hockey against other district teams at the School Sport SA Sapsasa State Carnival to nominate to attend trials with the possibility of being selected in the district team. Year 5s will only be considered if there is not enough 6/7s. The carnival will be played at Grange Hockey Club during school hours in Week 8 this term from Monday 9th to Thursday 12th of September.

FIRST TRIAL: for both boys and girls is being held at Victor Harbor Hockey Club on MONDAY 12TH OF AUGUST AT 4PM

SECOND TRIAL: for both teams is also at the Victor Hockey Club MONDAY 19th OF AUGUST 4PM

Trina has handed out trial nomination forms to interested students. Please see Trina for further information.

Sapsasa Year 6/7 Basketball

Trials have begun for the Year 6/7 basketball girls and boys teams who will participate in a carnival being held at Morphett Vale stadium Wednesday 24th July (Week 1, Term 3). The final teams will be decided soon with information and consents to be sent home with the players. Practices will begin next week.

Southern Sapsasa District Netball and Football

Congratulations to Jemma and Poppy S who were chosen to represent our Sapsasa District at a Netball Carnival and to Brandon and Shaun who were chosen to represent our Sapsasa District at a Football Carnival in Adelaide next week. They will compete against other teams from other Districts from across the State. We wish the students an enjoyable experience.

SAPSASA Football and Netball Carnival

The boys football carnival at Encounter Bay and the girls netball carnival at Victor Harbor High School, scheduled for Wednesday 29th May 2019, unfortunately has been cancelled due to forecast weather. We are awaiting further information whether it will be postponed to another date. Once we have more information we will inform players and families.


If your child was planning to trial at the District Netball or Football trials, originally planned for straight after the carnival, the times have been changed. At the moment the boys football trials will still be held at Encounter Bay Oval but starting at 4pm now. They should conclude around 5:15pm. Girls netball trials will either be held at Victor Harbor courts or at the Encounter Bay gym from 4pm-5:30pm.


For more information about District trials please contact Jerry Blair, the Sapsasa District Convener, on 0427364003.

School Sport SA Sapsasa State Carnivals Southern Fleurieu District Netball Trials information

Southern Fleurieu would like to invite year 6 and 7  girls who are interested in playing Netball against other district teams at the School Sport SA Sapsasa State Carnival to nominate to attend trials with the possibility of being selected in the district team.

Carnival details

The carnival will be played at Priceline Netball Centre Mile End during the school hours in the week of Monday 17th  June to Thursday 21st of June. The approximate cost of the carnival will be $85.00. Transport to the carnival each day must be provided by parents. Shane and Kaye Nethercott have been appointed manager/coach to supervise the team again this year.

How to nominate

To nominate for the trials please email your name and school to the email address below and bring the completed second page to the first trial or email or fax the second page to Kelly White (Consents and information were handed out to interested players in PE classes)

Email: or fax 85363747


The First Trial will be will be held…..

·         Date Wednesday 29th of May 

·         Venue: Victor Harbor Courts after the Carnival (This trial is after the district school carnival, supervision will be provided in between carnival and trial if players need to stay.)

·         Time 3.30PM to 5.00 approx

If you can’t make the first trial but still want to be considered please let Kelly White know

The Second Trial will be held…….. (Invitation Only)

·         Date: Monday 3rd of June

·         Venue: Strathalbyn Netball Club Courts

·         Time 4.50PM to 6.00PM

Once a team has been selected, details regarding the carnival and trainings will be provided to the student.

Further information

For more information, please ask your school Sapsasa representative or contact the convenor Jerry Blair

School Sport SA Sapsasa State Carnivals Southern Fleurieu District Football Trials information

Southern Fleurieu would like to invite year 6 and 7 boys who are interested in playing Football against other district teams at the School Sport SA Sapsasa State Carnival to nominate to attend trials with the possibility of being selected in the district team.

Carnival details

The carnival will be played at Adelaide Shores, West Beach during the school hours in the week of Monday June 17th to Thursday 21st of June. The approximate cost of the carnival will be $85.00. Transport to the carnival each day must be provided by parents. Teachers Jerry Blair, Zone Convenor and Danny Robinson have been appointed manager/coach and supervise the team.

How to nominate

To nominate for the trials please email your name and school to the Convenor, Jerry Blair or email the completed trial consent or bring the completed second page to the first trial (consents and information were handed out to interested boys in PE lessons)

Email: or fax 85363747


The First Trial will be held……..

·         Wednesday 29th of May 

·         Venue: Encounter Bay Oval (This trial is after the district school carnival, supervision will be provided in between carnival and the trial. (Invitation only.)

·         Time 3.00 PM

·         If you can’t make the first trial but still want to be considered please let Jerry Blair know

The Second Trial will be will be held…..

·         Date Tuesday 4th June

·         Venue: Eastern Fleurieu 7-12 Campus

·         Time 4.00PM

·         Further information subsequent trials or training will be advised.

Further information

For more information, please ask your school Sapsasa representative or contact the convenor

Jerry Blair

O427 364 003

SANTOS Athletics Day

Josh, Jackson and Mecki represented our District at the State event held at Santos Stadium on Monday May 20th.

Jackson and Josh won Gold in the 100m relay and Josh won bronze in the 200m. Mecki did not get a place in her event but she enjoyed the experience. Congratulations to all 3 athletes. You did PEPS very proud, indeed.


Local Sporting Success Stories! 

Congratulations to Poppy S who competed in the SA School Surfing competition and came 1st overall for the event! In this event High Schools compete from all over the State in U16 and open age categories. Poppy is eligible to enter, as many other schools start high school in Year 7. She trains every Monday with Adam Foot (VHHS) and the school team at various surf spots on the South Coast (Parsons, Waitpinga, Middleton Point). In previous year's overall winners gained a spot on the State Surfing Team and competed at the Australian Junior Surfing Titles. Unfortunately, this year there may not be a SA team entered in this event. Well done Poppy. We wish you all the best with your future surfing competitions.


17 Students aged 10-13 participated in the Cross Country event held at Kent Reserve on Wednesday 8th May. All students tried their best and enjoyed the day. Congratulations to Poppy who came 2nd in her event. She has been invited to compete at Oakbank later this term representing our District. We hope you enjoy the experience.

Thank you to Becky for assisting us there and back on the bus and to all parents who supported us on the day.

Sapsasa District Athletics Day

We had 24 students participate in our school Athletics team against the other schools in our District on Monday 6th May, Week 1 Term 2 at Victor Harbor Primary. Events were 100m, 200m, 800m, long jump, high jump, shot put and discus. The students had a great day, enjoying the opportunity to compete. Thank you to Sharon, Neriah, Becky, Sam and all the adult helpers who assisted us on the day. It’s a very busy day and this extra support is greatly appreciated.

We had many place getters:

1st – Jackson (100m), Josh P (Discus and 200m), Mecki (Discus)

2nd – Ruben (Long Jump), Jai (Shot Put and Discus), Mya C (800m) Poppy S (Shot Put), Mecki (Shot Put), Cody (Shot Put)

3rd – Jackson (Long Jump), Poppy S (800m and Discus)


Students who finished 1st in their event will be invited to represent our District at SANTOS stadium on Monday 20th May. We wish them luck and a very rewarding experience.

Sporting Schools Grants

Trina applied for and received a Sporting Schools Grant for Badminton coaching, training and equipment to occur Weeks 5,6,8 and 9 this term. Trina will receive training from the coach to teach these skills to the classes she teaches PE. Trina will share this training with Kate so she too will be teaching these skills to her PE classes. From this grant the school will receive enough equipment necessary to successfully teach these sessions to a whole class of children at a time.

Golf SA - Primary School Golf Event – School Student Try Out Day / Skill & Course Development Day

Student Eligibility - 10 yrs. of age and over boys and girls, in year level 5,6 or 7. Those students that are in year 4 and are 10 years of age and play golf regularly may seek permission to play from Golf SA.

Event Info Date – Friday 10 May Time – register in from 9.00am, concludes 2.30pm approx.

Venue – Victor Harbor Golf Club, Inman Valley Rd, Victor Harbor

Contact Person – Ray McGrath

Email -

• Includes skill development and play on a modified course.

• Parents please drop off and collect students from Venue. Parents are most welcome to attend on the day and may be needed to assist students on course in the afternoon.

• Students need to bring own lunch

• Participation fee: Free

Parents, if your child is interested please email the information below to: by Wednesday 1 May

Participants Name

Date of Birth

School and Grade

Parent Name, Phone number and email