Sapsasa District Athletics Day

We had 24 students participate in our school Athletics team against the other schools in our District on Monday 6th May, Week 1 Term 2 at Victor Harbor Primary. Events were 100m, 200m, 800m, long jump, high jump, shot put and discus. The students had a great day, enjoying the opportunity to compete. Thank you to Sharon, Neriah, Becky, Sam and all the adult helpers who assisted us on the day. It’s a very busy day and this extra support is greatly appreciated.

We had many place getters:

1st – Jackson (100m), Josh P (Discus and 200m), Mecki (Discus)

2nd – Ruben (Long Jump), Jai (Shot Put and Discus), Mya C (800m) Poppy S (Shot Put), Mecki (Shot Put), Cody (Shot Put)

3rd – Jackson (Long Jump), Poppy S (800m and Discus)


Students who finished 1st in their event will be invited to represent our District at SANTOS stadium on Monday 20th May. We wish them luck and a very rewarding experience.