It was great to see everyone dressed in their colours, giving 100% effort and being flexible with the adjusting plans as the weather declined. Congratulations to Knights for coming first, Commodore second place, Freeman third and Boomer fourth. Thank you to all the organisers, helpers (students, staff and parents) and volunteers on the day. Thank you to the Victor Harbor High School Yr 8 and 10 students, mentored by teacher Simon Harris, who assisted beautifully again this year. We are very grateful for this ongoing, outstanding support. Also, thanks to Investigator School for allowing Ellie and Maggie to attend to support a JP class and run events. Congratulations once again to our amazing House Captains who have done a fantastic job all term and on the day. We hope everyone enjoyed themselves, despite the windy conditions. Please feel free to send feedback to the school to be considered for next year.

Sapsasa District Athletics Day

Athletic trials that were being held in PE lessons and Break times have now been finalised. We will have 30 students participating in our school Athletics team, who will compete at Victor Harbor Primary against the other schools in our District on Wednesday 1st May, Week 1 Term 2. Events are 100m, 200m, 800m, long jump, high jump, shot put and discus. Practices are being offered at designated Break times for participating students. More information was sent home this week with the participants.


Sapsasa Cross Country Wednesday 8th May

Students aged 10-13 have been invited to nominate and attend practices for the Cross Country event to be held at Kent Reserve Wednesday 8th May (Week 2 Term 2). More information will be sent home soon with interested students.


Southern Fleurieu District Girls and Boys Softball trials information

Students have been informed of the opportunity to nominate to attend trials with the possibility of being selected in the Sapsasa District Softball team. If selected the student will play softball against other district teams at the School Sport SA Sapsasa State Carnival later this term. If you require further information please speak to Trina at school.

Year 5-7 girls’ Football Crows Cup

On Thursday 14th March our 2 Year 5/6/7 Girls' Football teams played in a 9 a side carnival at Strathalbyn. The girls enjoyed the opportunity to play football and learn more about the game, team work and sportsmanship. Thanks to coaches Brandon, Shaun, Ruben and Kobi. Thank you to the adults who helped supervise on the bus trip there and back, at the oval and also, for supporting and cheering us on.

Student Leadership Day

The 2019 House Captains and Yr 3-7 SRC were involved in a Student Leadership Day held at PEPS on Friday Term 1 Week 5, the 1st of March 2019. Trina, Karen, Kate and Brenton along with guest speaker, Ashley Manuel from Growing With Gratitude, held presentations, and ran workshops and team building activities with the students. The themes of the day were focussing on gratitude, resilience, self belief, ownership, empathy, appreciating others and the skill of reframing. The students then set goals to help them be effective leaders who “make a positive difference” to PEPS in 2019.

By all accounts, the students really enjoyed this opportunity and demonstrated a lot of gratitude towards Ashley and the PEPS staff who organised and ran the day.

Port Elliot Primary School has received 12 month free access to the Growing With Gratitude program fully resourced online. The students and staff will have access to this to further develop these leadership skills and personal qualities.

Families are also able to access the Home Grown Gratitude program. The login for Home Grown Gratitude - Family version of Growing With Gratitude is:

URL: (must login from this URL)



(the email login is made up, the purpose of the email is purely for login)

 Password: family (all lower case)

If you would like more information re the Growing With Gratitude program feel free to contact Ashley on the details below:

+61 (0) 405 188 355


The SAPSASA Swimming carnival was held on Monday 25th February at Strathalbyn Swimming Centre. We had 14 students compete and represent our school. Our school finished 3rd for the day, with EFS and Victor Harbor Primary in 1st and 2nd place. 10 schools competed overall.

Well done to the students for trying their hardest and achieving their best result on the day. We had many place getters, with 5 students being invited to represent our Southern Fleurieu District at the State Sapsasa swim meet in a few weeks, at Marion Aquatic Centre. Congratulations to Ava, April, Keat, Harry and Mia. We wish you all the best.

Some results were -     50m Freestyle: 1st Keat & Mia    2nd April & Harry  4th Ava

-          50m Backstroke: 2nd Harry  3rd Keat & Ava  4th Maddi   5th April & Ethan   6th Ella

-          50m Breatsroke: 2nd Harry and Ava   6th Jade

-          50m Butterfly:    2nd Harry, Keat and Ava    4th Jade

Congratulations to all and thanks again to all our adult helpers on the day.

Student Leadership Day

The 2019 House Captains and Yr 3-7 SRC will be involved in a Student Leadership Day held at PEPS on Friday Term 1 Week 5, the 1st of March 2019.

Trina, Karen and Kate along with guest speaker, Ashley Manuel from Growing With Gratitude, will be holding presentations, running workshops and team building activities with the students. We will be focussing on gratitude, resilience, self belief, ownership, empathy, appreciating others and the skill of reframing (Teaching students how to see things for a more positive point of view).

At the conclusion of the day the students will focus on things that inspired them from the day and discuss what hurdles as leaders they think they may face (e.g. time constraints, confidence, etc) and come up with ideas and strategies to assist them address these challenges.

 The students will then set goals individually, and as a team, to help them be effective leaders who “make a positive difference” to PEPS in 2019.

 Port Elliot PS will receive 12 month free access to the Growing With Gratitude program fully resourced online. The students and staff will have access to this to further develop these leadership skills and personal qualities. Families will be able to access the Home Grown Gratitude program, also.

If you would like more information re the Growing With Gratitude program feel free to contact Ashley on the details below.

+61 (0) 405 188 355


In Week 1 this Term, students born in 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006 were offered the opportunity to try out for a spot in our school Sapsasa Swimming team. The carnival is to be held in Week 5 on Monday 25th February at Strathalbyn Swimming Centre. Please make sure all forms are completed and brought back to school as soon as possible. Tara Irvin is kindly coordinating this for us so thanks to Tara for organising this opportunity. If you need further information about this carnival please contact Trina at school.


Our school Sports Day has been set as Term 1, Week 10, Friday 5th April 2019.

Next week students will begin practicing Team activities and talking about Sports Day chants and the warm up activity. Every student should soon know which House Team and colour they are in. If you need to purchase a top for the day so that your child can be dressed in their Team colours, please speak to Jo or Judy in the office.

2019 House Captains

Congratulations to all the students who ran for 2019 House Captain. The students who were voted in by their peers to represent them this year at Sports Day and throughout the year are:

Boomer: Amber S, Jade, Daniel, Cohen

Commodore: Sasha, Mia, Jackson, Josh

Freeman: Poppy S, Poppy W, Ruben, Brandon

Knights: Amber B, Ella, Sebastian, Kai

These students have started preparing for Sports Day, have organised the new team chants (please refer to this website for copies of the chants to practice at home), are working on the warm up and are coordinating recess and lunch time activities. A busy, productive start to the year.

Sapsasa Events

Our school participates in a wide range of Sapsasa events throughout the year.  Trina and Kate train and trial students to represent the school at these events. Sapsasa is aimed mainly at Year 6 and 7 students but there will be opportunities for Year 4 and 5 students to participate in some sports. The events we anticipate competing in this year are:

  • Swimming (students born 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006). Monday 25th February at Strathalbyn pool

  • Football (Year 6/7 girls. Strathalbyn Carnival Thursday 14th March)

  • Athletics (students born 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006). Wednesday 1st May at Victor Harbor Primary

  • Cross Country (students born 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006). Wednesday 8th May at Kent Reserve

  • Netball (Year 6/7 girls. Victor Harbor High Carnival Wednesday 29th May)

  • Football (Year 6/7 boys. Encounter Bay Carnival Wednesday 29th May)

  • Basketball (Year 6/7’s Carnival Wednesday 24th July. Year 4/5 Carnival Wednesday 7th August. Morphett Vale stadium)

  • Cricket (Year 6/7’s. Cricket Carnival normally in Term 4).

  • Tennis (more information TBA)


Athletics important information:

Please note that there has been a significant change with Athletics being moved to the first half of Term 2 due to the Australian Championships being held in Darwin this year. This means students will begin Athletic trails in Week 2 Term 1 along with Sports Day trials and preparations.

When information on these events is available we will put notices in the Newsletter and send notes home with the students who are interested.


SAPSASA photo displays will be put up on the gym windows so feel free to come and have a look after events at some of the photos taken.


There also will be opportunities for students to try out for the Southern Fleurieu District Association teams in various sports and also for Sapsasa State teams. Again, when this information becomes available to us we will inform all eligible via the newsletter and notices home. This year the District Sapsasa convenor will also be posting information on the SOUTHERN FLEURIEU FACEBOOK PAGE and the SOUTHERN FLEURIEU LINK ON THE SAPSASA WEBSITE (

Sapsasa State Teams Selections

Interested students wanting to trial for State teams need to refer to the Sapsasa website ( to access all trial information and nomination forms.

If you wish to trial for a team, an online nomination must be completed and submitted by the due date for each sport. Information for each sport is available by clicking on List of Sports, then the sport you are interested in nominating for. (A separate nomination form is required for each sport). It is up to the student and their parent/caregiver to enrol, pay for and attend these try outs. See Trina or Kate at school if you need more information re this process. Our Southern Fleurieu Zone Convenor is Jerry Blair. You can contact him via email