The annual District Cross Country event was held at Kent Reserve on Wednesday 18th May. We had 21 students aged 10-13 years of age represent our school. Thank you to Alex, Lynette, Sharyn, Aleisha, Brett and Maria for assisting us all day. We had several students who placed in the top 6 positions in their age group. They should soon receive an invitation to represent our District in Cross Country at Oakbank later this term. Congratulations to all students for a great effort and displaying great sportsmanship and respectful choices on the day. Special mention to Brandon and Jamie who came 2nd in their events and to Poppy who came 3rd. Well done to all.


Interested Year 6/7 Students have been invited to nominate and trial for the Knockout teams who will compete in games during Term 2. Final teams will be selected Week 1 and practices will occur as of Week 2. More information will be sent home with the selected team members once dates and locations of games are set.

GIRLS’ SOCCER COACH STILL NEEDED. Thank you to all the adults who have volunteered to coach these teams this year. I am currently still in need of a Girls’ Soccer coach. If you are interested please see me at school for further information. Thanks.


Everyone appeared to have an enjoyable fun filled day. It was great to see so many supporters here. Thank you for attending. Congratulations to all House Captains for their tireless efforts throughout this term. The Sports Day was a huge success due to your outstanding efforts and organisation. A big thank you also to the invited Year 8’s and 10’s who assisted us all day, and to teacher Simon Harris for training them and assisting them on the day. Congratulations to Freeman who came 1st with Boomer in 2nd place and Commodore in 3rd place. Congratulations to Luke and Neriah for winning the 800m race.

SAPSASA Swimming & Softball


The SAPSASA Swimming carnival was held on Wednesday 24th February at Strathalbyn Swimming Centre. We had 16 students compete and represent our school. Well done to the students for trying their hardest and achieving their best result on the day. Thanks to Tara for coordinating this opportunity, to Natarsha for being the teacher on duty for the day and to the parents who drove and supported us.



Interested Year 6/7 students were given information last week re trialling for the District Softball team. Please contact me at school if you need any more information.


Our school participates in a wide range of SAPSASA events
throughout the year. As part of my P.E. role I train and select
students to represent the school at these events. SAPSASA
is aimed mainly at Year 6 and 7 students but there will be
opportunities for Year 4 and 5 students to participate in some
sports. The events we anticipate competing in this year are:
o Cross Country (students born 2006, 2005, 2004,
2003. Wednesday 18th May at Kent Reserve)
o Athletics (students born 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003.
Friday 2nd September at Victor Harbor Primary)
o Netball (Year 6/7 girls. Knockout Carnival begins
Term 2. Encounter Bay Carnival Wednesday 15th
o Football (Year 6/7 boys. Knockout Carnival
begins Term 2. Encounter Bay Carnival
Wednesday 15th June)
o Soccer (Year 6/7. Knockout Carnival begins
Term 2).
o Basketball (Year 6/7’s only. Girls Wednesday 27th
July and Boys Thursday 28th July. Location to be
o Cricket (Year 6/7’s. Encounter Bay Carnival
normally in Term 4).
When information on these events is available I will put
notices in the Newsletter and send notes home with the
students who are interested.
There also will be opportunities for students to try out for the
Southern District Association teams in various sports and
also for State teams. Again, when this information becomes
available to me I will inform all eligible via the newsletter and
notices home.
I also will be putting up SAPSASA photo displays on the gym
windows so feel free to come and have a look after events at
some of the photos taken.

SAPSASA State Teams Selections
Interested students wanting to trial for State teams need to
refer to:
for further information. If you wish to trial for a team, an online
nomination must be completed and submitted by the due
date for each sport. Information for each sport is available by
clicking on List of Sports, then the sport you are interested in
nominating for. (A separate nomination form is required for
each sport). It is up to the student and their parent/caregiver
to enrol, pay for and attend these try outs. See me at school
if you need more information re this process.


In Week 1 this Term, students born in 2006, 2005, 2004
and 2003 were offered the opportunity to try out for a
spot in our school SAPSASA Swimming team. The carnival is
to be held in Week 4 on Wednesday 24th
February at Strathalbyn Swimming Centre. Please make
sure all forms are completed and brought back to school.
Well done to the students who have been practicing in their
own time. Tara Irvin is kindly coordinating this for us so
thanks to Tara for organising this opportunity.


Our school Sports Day has been set as Week 10, Friday 8th
April. Students have begun practicing Team activities and
talking about Sports Day chants and the warm up activity.
Every student should soon know which House Team and
colour they are in. If you need to purchase a top for the day
so that your child can be dressed in their Team colours,
please speak to Jo or Judy in the office.

House Captains for 2016

Congratulations to all students who ran for 2016 House
Captain. The students who were voted in by their peers to
represent them this year at Sports Day and throughout the
year are:
Boomer: Neriah, Winter, Jackson, Jayden
Commodore: Amelia W, Jasmyn, Jaid, Eli
Freeman: Arnez, Rebecca B, Jye, Mallee
These students have started preparing for Sports Day and
organising recess and lunch time activities

Students are required in all PE lessons to wear appropriate footwear and clothing conducive to
successful participation, so please be sure to encourage your child to wear these needs every day we have PE.

Thank you.

SACA Intra-School Cup Cricket Carnival at PEPS for Year 4/5’s

On Monday 9th November (Week 5) students from Miss Blake’s, Ms Reedy’s, Mrs Roberts’ and Mr Blacker’s classes competed in a T20 cricket carnival at our school. Students had been practicing in PE times and were very organised and prepared. Even though the weather was warm and windy meaning we only played 2 games instead of 4, the students still enjoyed the opportunity to participate. Thanks to Shelley Nitschke, Hayley and SACA for helping me organise this event which was based on the carnival the Year 6/7’s participated in at Encounter Bay Oval.


PE Week (Week 5)

House Captains ran a variety of recess and lunch time activities during this week. We hope everyone enjoyed the week and the activities on offer. Congratulations to the House Captains for being so organised and encouraging throughout the week.


House Captains for 2016

Interested Year 6 students have been busy writing and preparing their House Captain speeches to present to classes Week 7 Monday. The classes will then vote during Week 7 and Week 8 in PE lessons. The House Captains for 2016 will be announced Week 9 and will have the responsibilities handed over to them at the 2015 House Captain celebration during that week. They will also have training during the remainder of Week 9 by the existing House Captains. 

We are trialing this new approach this year to give the Year 6 students more time and support to prepare themselves for their campaign and to give them a chance to be inducted into their role by the existing House Captains. Also, Sports Day preparations start in Term 4 so this new process means the House Captains for the next year are more involved in the decisions and preparation involved in their Sports Day. A result of this new process is that the newly elected House Captains will be well prepared and ready to start in their new role and to carry out their Sports Day responsibilities from the first day of Term 1 2016. We wish all candidates the best. 

           SACA Intra-School Cup Cricket Carnival at PEPS for Year 4/5’s

On Monday 9th November (Week 5) students from Miss Blake’s, Ms Reedy’s, Mrs Roberts’ and Mr Blacker’s classes will be competing in a T20 cricket carnival at our school. Students have been practicing in PE times and will play in this fun carnival from 9am-1pm. Spectators are welcome.


PE Week (Week 5)

House Captains will be running recess and lunch time activities during this week. We hope everyone enjoys the week and the variety of activities on offer.


SACA SACA Milo20 Cricket at Encounter Bay for Year 6/7’s

On Tuesday October 20th 40 Year 6/7 students competed in a T20 cricket carnival at Encounter Bay. Each group of students formed their own team and needed an adult in charge of the team on the day. Thank you to Penny, Vicki, Natarsha, Ben and Brett for your assistance. Without it the students could not have participated and I know the students are very grateful. We fielded 3 boys’ teams and 2 girls’ teams. The girls’ teams finished 3rd and 6th in their competition. The top 3 teams were all a draw for games won and lost but our runs per game percentage was below the 2 teams who finished above us. The boys’ teams finished 2nd, 7th and 8th. The boys’ team played in the Grand Final for a chance to get to play at the Adelaide Oval again. Unfortunately, they lost by 28 runs. All students conducted themselves tremendously. Respect, team work and 100% effort was on display all day. As always, I was very proud of all 40 students.

SAPSASA District Cricket

Congratulations to Darcy, Patrick, Hassan and Jye for their selection in the SAPSASA District Cricket Team. They will play in a week long carnival in Adelaide representing the schools in our district. Well done boys. 


SAPSASA District Tennis

Congratulations to Mitchell for his selection in the SAPSASA District Tennis Team. He will play in a week long carnival in Adelaide representing the schools in our district. Well done. 

SACA Milo20 Cricket at Encounter Bay for Year 6/7’s


The date for the Super 8’s style carnival at Encounter Bay has been set for Tuesday October 20th. The year 6/7’s who were interested have formed their teams of 8 and are practicing at break times.

Each team nominated must have an adult in charge of the team on the day. I only have 1 adult supervisor so far for 5 teams. The teams will not participate without a supervisor. So please let me know asap if you can help or the teams will not go on the day. This is the carnival we won last year, then we played at Adelaide Oval and won that, then we played at MCG and became Australian Champions. So, if you are interested in supervising a team on the day, please let me know. There could be a trip to Adelaide Oval or the MCG involved!



The Year 6/7 boys competed in the state wide Grand Final on Thursday 17th September. All boys put in a fantastic effort and played well as a team. We lost our first two games by 8 points but won the last 3 convincingly. We finished 3rd in the state, which is another great accomplishment for the boys and our school.

Thank you to the parents for transporting the students and helping out on the day. It was great to have such a supportive cheer squad and such positive assistance.