SACA Intra-School Cup Cricket Carnival at PEPS for Year 4/5’s

On Monday 9th November (Week 5) students from Miss Blake’s, Ms Reedy’s, Mrs Roberts’ and Mr Blacker’s classes competed in a T20 cricket carnival at our school. Students had been practicing in PE times and were very organised and prepared. Even though the weather was warm and windy meaning we only played 2 games instead of 4, the students still enjoyed the opportunity to participate. Thanks to Shelley Nitschke, Hayley and SACA for helping me organise this event which was based on the carnival the Year 6/7’s participated in at Encounter Bay Oval.


PE Week (Week 5)

House Captains ran a variety of recess and lunch time activities during this week. We hope everyone enjoyed the week and the activities on offer. Congratulations to the House Captains for being so organised and encouraging throughout the week.


House Captains for 2016

Interested Year 6 students have been busy writing and preparing their House Captain speeches to present to classes Week 7 Monday. The classes will then vote during Week 7 and Week 8 in PE lessons. The House Captains for 2016 will be announced Week 9 and will have the responsibilities handed over to them at the 2015 House Captain celebration during that week. They will also have training during the remainder of Week 9 by the existing House Captains. 

We are trialing this new approach this year to give the Year 6 students more time and support to prepare themselves for their campaign and to give them a chance to be inducted into their role by the existing House Captains. Also, Sports Day preparations start in Term 4 so this new process means the House Captains for the next year are more involved in the decisions and preparation involved in their Sports Day. A result of this new process is that the newly elected House Captains will be well prepared and ready to start in their new role and to carry out their Sports Day responsibilities from the first day of Term 1 2016. We wish all candidates the best.