The SAPSASA Swimming Carnival was held in Strathalbyn on Wednesday 26th February. We had 7 students who participated on the day.

Thanks to Kerry Dodd for offering to train these students and to Tara Irvin who volunteered to manage the team on the day.

 The team tried very hard and achieved pleasing results.

House Captains


Congratulations to the following Year 7’s who have been elected as our 2014 House Captains.

Boomer: Jonathon, Lyric, Josh and Tayla

Commodore: Kane, Emilly, Flynn and Tara

Freeman: Che, Kelsea, Oscar and Lauren

They are now working on Team Chants, the warm up activity for Sports Day, running sports equipment borrowing and activities at recess and lunch and leading their Team in March practices.


SAPSASA swimming


The SAPSASA Swimming Carnival will be held in Strathalbyn on Wednesday 26th February. We have 9 students who have shown interest and who will participate on the day.


Thanks to Kerry Dodd for offering to train these students and to Tara Irvin who has volunteered to manage the team on the day. Information re this event was sent home last Friday and any final information will be sent home this coming Monday.


We wish the team well for the event.

Sports Day date


Our school Sports Day has been set as Week 10, Thursday 3rd April. Students have begun voting for House Captains, practicing Team activities and talking about Sports Day. Every student knows which House Team and colour they are in. If you need to purchase a top for the day so that your child can be dressed in their Team colours, please speak to Vicki M in the office.

Rock wall


On Thursday 13th February and Friday 14th February we had a Rockwall from Rock About company here in our school grounds. Despite the rainy conditions, every class had a go and enjoyed the activity. A lot of resilience and persistence were shown. Even some of the staff had a turn.

Each class had one rostered turn on the equipment and all students had the opportunity to climb the wall twice, with some classes being quick enough with turns and harness changes to get 3 or 4 turns each.

The fee for this activity was covered using funds from the PE budget and contributions from the Parent Network.

On behalf of the students I would like to thank the Parent Network for their assistance in funding this valuable learning opportunity for the students. We are truly grateful.

The activity was run in conjunction with the students’ normal Physical Education program. It was a great Team Building exercise that also promoted Goal Setting, Persistence, Confidence, Resilience and Getting Along!

It is very necessary for us to have adult helpers on these days to help with harness changes and for support and encouragement. So thank you so much to the adults who came along and helped out on the days. We greatly appreciated it.

Special thanks also to the students who offered assistance with harnesses, etc. Without your help many classes would not have had as many turns on the wall.


Netball and Football Clinic

Netball Clinic

On Tuesday 11th February representatives from the Port Elliot Netball Cub ran a netball clinic for girls from Years 2,3,4 and 5. The girls all really enjoyed themselves and joined in well. If you would like any more information about your child joining a netball club please speak to me at school.


Cricket Clinic

On Tuesday 11th February Tom Fenoughty, a representative from SACA, ran a cricket clinic for boys from Years 2,3,4 and 5. The boys had a lot of fun and learnt a lot. If you would like any more information about your child joining a cricket club please speak to me at school.



Our school participates in a wide range of SAPSASA events throughout the year.  As part of my P.E. role I train and select students to represent the school at these events. SAPSASA is aimed mainly at Year 6 and 7 students but there will be opportunities for Year 4 and 5 students to participate in some sports. The events we anticipate competing in this year and possible dates are:

o   Swimming (26/2/14)

o   Athletics (29/8/14)

o   Cross Country (7/5/14)

o   Netball  (Carnival 27/3/14) (Knockout starts Term 2)

o   Soccer (Knockout starts Term 2)

o   Football (Carnival 27/3/14) (Knockout starts Term 2)

o   Basketball ( Girls 6/8/14, Boys 7/8/14)

o   Cricket (late Term 3 or early Term 4)

There also will be opportunities for students to try out for the Southern District Association teams in various sports and also for State teams.

SAPSASA State Teams Selections

Interested students wanting to trial for State teams need to refer to:  for further information. If you wish to trial for a team, an online nomination must be completed and submitted by the due date for each sport. Information for each sport is available by clicking on List of Sports, then the sport you are interested in nominating for. (A separate nomination form is required for each sport). It is up to the student and their parent/caregiver to enrol, pay for and attend these try outs. See me at school if you need more information re this process.

Welcome to 2014

Crows Visits

On Tuesday 4th February a couple of representatives from the Crows Football Club and Claude the Mascot came to speak to the R-3 students re football, healthy living and active lifestyles. The students enjoyed this visit and meeting Claude.

On Monday 10th February a few Crows players will be visiting the school to speak to the Year 4-7 students. There will also be a free football clinic at Encounter Bay Oval for all students to attend and meet their favourite Crows player. This will be from 4:30pm.

There will also be a community dinner at the Hotel Victor on the 10th February which is open to the public. Crows players and Coaches will be in attendance with 2-3 Adelaide Football Club representatives at each table. Tickets can be purchased via the Hotel and further information will appear in the local media.

Netball Clinic

On Tuesday 11th February, 9am – 12 noon, representatives from the Port Elliot Netball Cub will be running a netball clinic with girls from Years 2,3,4 and 5. If you would like any more information about your child joining a netball club please come along to the clinic or speak to me at school.

Cricket Clinic

On Tuesday 11th February, 9am – 12 noon,  representatives from SACA will be running a cricket clinic with boys from Years 2,3,4 and 5. If you would like any more information about your child joining a cricket club please come along to the clinic or speak to me at school.


On Thursday 13th February and Friday 14th February we will have a Rockwall from Rock About company here in our school grounds. Each class will get one rostered turn on the equipment.

The fee for this activity has been covered using funds from the PE budget and contributions from the Parent Network.

On behalf of the students I would like to thank the Parent Network for their assistance in funding this valuable learning opportunity for the students. We are truly grateful.


Super 8’s Cricket

Super 8’s Cricket was held on Friday 1st November at Encounter Bay Oval. 32 Year 4/5’s participated in this event and had a great day.

We entered 4 teams and convincingly finished 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th out of 8 teams in the competition. Another great sporting success story for PEPS.

Well done to all for their efforts, attitude and commitment.

Thanks to Seb, Jayden, Billy, Harmeet and Ron for supervising and assisting our teams.




I would like to congratulate all teams and students within our various SAPSASA events for their wonderful efforts and achievements over the past year, and especially over the last 2 weeks of Term 3. The school community and myself are very proud of your achievements, but mostly of your conduct and wonderful manner in which you represented our school. Well done to all.



Year 6 and 7 girls and boys had the opportunity to try out for the Southern SAPSASA District Tennis team, which will be participating in the State Carnival to be held on November 4th to 7th.  We have 3 boys currently trialing for this. We wish you well and good luck with selection.



Year 6 and 7 boys had the opportunity to try out for the Southern SAPSASA District Cricket team, which will be participating in the State Carnival to be held on November 4th to 7th. Congratulations to Joel H, Ryan A, and Colby W for making this District Team. We wish you well boys.


Super 8’s Cricket

Super 8’s Cricket will now be held on Friday 1st November at Encounter Bay Oval. The 6/7’s are on camp on this date so will no longer be attending the carnival, but 36 Year 4/5’s will be traveling by bus to participate in this event.


SANTOS State Athletics Day

5 students attended SANTOS for the State SAPSASA Athletics event, representing our Southern District on Monday 23rd September.


Congratulations to C J on receiving a silver medal in Shot Put and a bronze medal in Discus.

 Congratulations to Ella S on coming 3rd in her event the 800m race.

Well done to Brooklyn, Ty and Neriah for participating and trying so hard in their events.


Thanks again to the parents for transporting and supervising the students.


SAPSASA Knockout Boys’ Soccer


The Grand Final was played on Thursday 26th September at Paradise against Northfield.

The boys played a heartfelt match which saw a draw at full time, and again in over time. Due to time constraints the game was called a draw at 1 all. All boys played well. 


Thank you to Jason Eydenhoven for coaching and the other parents who cheered the boys on. Another pleasing result for our students and our school community.


SAPSASA Knockout Boys’ Football

The Grand Final was played on Wednesday 25th September against Williamstown at Glenelg Oval. The score was 9 goals 6 (60) to 2 points. All students played well. Thank you to Richard Martin for coaching and the other parents who cheered the boys on. We are very proud of their accomplishments and conduct.


As a reward for winning the Small School’s Knockout Football Statewide Carnival, our boys’ football team were given the honor of walking a lap of Aami Stadium Oval during half time of the SANFL Grand Final. The boys looked fantastic in their guernseys and medals. Thanks to Kate Threadgold for organising this and to Richard Martin for accompanying the boys in his role as Premiership coach.



The Year 5/6 boys’ team participated in the statewide Grand Final on Thursday September 19th. The boys had a great day and represented the school in an outstanding manner. 

The reward for all their hard work was winning the final. All boys should be congratulated on the great, fair sporting like way they conducted themselves. A big thank you to Michelle Whitehead (coach), Karen and all the supportive parents, for their contributions.


















SAPSASA District Athletics Day

28 students aged 10 to 13 participated in the local District Athletics Day held at Eastern Fleurieu 7-12 Campus, Strathalbyn on Friday 30th August. We had a great day with everyone trying their hardest.


Our school finished first, winning the small schools section of District Day.


Congratulations to:

1st place –         Stuart (shot put)

                        Brooklyn (shot put)

                        Neriah (shot put and high jump)

                        Ella (800m)

                        Corey-Jay (shot put and discus)

                        William (discus)

                        Ty (800m)

                        Jaid (high jump)  

2nd place-          Kane  (high jump)

                        Georgia (shot put and discus)

                        James (shot put and long jump)

                        Ella (100m)

                        Joel (long jump)

3rd place-           Stuart (high jump)

                        Ella (200m)

                        Ty (long jump and 100m)

Our 8 students who achieved first place will be invited to attend SANTOS for the State SAPSASA Athletics event, representing our Southern District on Monday 23rd September. We wish these athletes all the best for the day.

