Rock wall


On Thursday 13th February and Friday 14th February we had a Rockwall from Rock About company here in our school grounds. Despite the rainy conditions, every class had a go and enjoyed the activity. A lot of resilience and persistence were shown. Even some of the staff had a turn.

Each class had one rostered turn on the equipment and all students had the opportunity to climb the wall twice, with some classes being quick enough with turns and harness changes to get 3 or 4 turns each.

The fee for this activity was covered using funds from the PE budget and contributions from the Parent Network.

On behalf of the students I would like to thank the Parent Network for their assistance in funding this valuable learning opportunity for the students. We are truly grateful.

The activity was run in conjunction with the students’ normal Physical Education program. It was a great Team Building exercise that also promoted Goal Setting, Persistence, Confidence, Resilience and Getting Along!

It is very necessary for us to have adult helpers on these days to help with harness changes and for support and encouragement. So thank you so much to the adults who came along and helped out on the days. We greatly appreciated it.

Special thanks also to the students who offered assistance with harnesses, etc. Without your help many classes would not have had as many turns on the wall.