SAPSASA Knockout Boys’ Soccer

Our semi final match was played against Bridgewater on Tuesday 3rd September. The boys defended well and gave 100% in difficult conditions. They won 3-1.

Thanks once again to Jason for coaching, Angela for washing the uniforms, to the drivers and supporters. Thanks also to Panthers Soccer Club for the use of their facilities.

The boys are now through to the statewide Grand Final on Thursday 26th September at Paradise Primary at 12 noon versus Northfield Primary.

All the best boys! 

SAPSASA Knockout Boys’ Football

Our Semi Final was played at Strathalbyn Oval on Friday 23rd August against St Raphael School. The boys fought hard in tough, muddy conditions. It was a strongly contested defensive game from both teams with our boys winning 2 goals 6 to 2 goals.


Congratulations to all boys for their work ethic, concentration and sportsmanship. Thanks to Richard for his fantastic efforts as coach and to the parents for driving and supporting. Thanks also to Fraser for goal umpiring and to Sonia for washing the exceptionally muddy uniforms. Thank you also to Strathalbyn Football Club for allowing us to use their oval and equipment.


The Grand Final will be played on Wednesday 25th September against Williamstown. Time and location are yet to be announced.


We wish the boys all the best. Go Port Elliot!!



SAPSASA Knockout Boys’ Soccer

Our semi final match was to be played on Tuesday 20th August against Bridgewater but it got postponed until Tuesday 3rd September due to ground conditions being too water affected to play on. We wish the boys well.


SAPSASA District Athletics Day

30 students aged 10 to 13 will be participating in the local District Athletics Day, which will now be held at Eastern Fleurieu 7-12 Campus, Strathalbyn on Friday 30th August. Practices are being held on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday lunch times.


We wish every competitor the best for their events.


Super 8’s Cricket

75 students from Years 4-7 have indicated an interest to participate in this carnival, which will be held on Friday 13th September at Encounter Bay Oval. I am currently waiting for final consents to be returned, then teams will be formed and practices will begin at recess and lunch times and within class PE times.


SAPSASA Basketball

Our SAPSASA basketball teams participated on Wednesday 7th August (Year 6/7 girls) and Thursday 8th August (Year 5/6 and 6/7 boys) in a day long carnival held at Morphett Vale.


The girls competed well and improved with every game, winning 2 out of 5 matches and narrowly losing to the eventual winner of our pool. Thanks to Nikki, Kerry and Rex for driving, scoring and supporting. The girls had a great day and learnt a lot about basketball.


The boys had a very successful day with the Year 5/6 team being undefeated and winning through to the statewide Grand Final on Thursday September 19th. The Year 7 team played better with every game and narrowly missed out on finishing fourth. Thanks to Michelle and David for coaching and to all the parents for driving, scoring and for supporting the boys.


I am very proud of all players and their conduct over the last 2 days and wish the Year 5/6 boys all the best for the Grand Final.



SAPSASA Knockout Boys’ Soccer

Our Quarter Final match was played on Thursday 1st August at Panther’s Soccer Oval, O’Sullivan’s Beach. We played another great team game and beat St John the Apostle 6 goals to 0.

Thank you to the drivers, Sam for umpiring, Jason for coaching and Angela for washing the uniforms. Thanks also to the Panther’s Soccer Club for the use of their facilities.

Our next match is the Semi Final. Time, date and opposition are yet to be decided.

Well done boys.





COMMENCING 29th of JULY, 2013


The Goolwa/Port Elliot Football Club would like to invite your child/ children to participate in a 6 week Auskick program. The Auskick program is designed to encourage fun and active participation in the game of Australian Rules Football.


The program will be run on Monday afternoons between 3:30 – 4:30pm on the school oval, commencing on Monday 29th of July.


The sessions will be run by Goolwa / Port Elliot Football Club representatives who will provide all direction and equipment. Parents / Grandparents/ older siblings are most welcome to assist. Your involvement certainly assists with the quality of the program we can offer. There is no cost to be involved as we are looking to make the program as inclusive as possible. However, students are invited to become Auskick members and receive a backpack and their own football for $55. Registration for Auskick membership can be made online at


Please contact Trina Doig at School or ring David Winn from the G/PtEFC on 0427089640 for any further information or offers of assistance



SAPSASA Knockout Boys’ Football

Our third round game was played against Hawthorndene PS on Friday 26th July at Kangarilla Oval. The boys played a superb team game of football outclassing their opponents in every area of the field. We won 19 goals 9 points to 2 goals. I’d like to congratulate the boys on the way they conducted themselves as gracious winners and for their effort and attitude throughout the day.


Thanks to Richard for his encouraging and supportive coaching, to John for goal umpiring, to Angela for washing the guernseys, shorts and socks and to all parents who drove and cheered the boys on. We are so fortunate to have such supportive parent helpers.


We now are in the semi final and are waiting for further details re opponent, date and location.



Crows Coaching Clinic

Ten of our students were invited to attend a Crows coaching clinic at Goolwa-Port Elliot football club on Tuesday 25th June. They got to practice skills with the Crows players then get autographs and photos after the session. The students enjoyed this opportunity immensely.


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SAPSASA District Athletics Day

All students aged 10 to 13 have had the opportunity to practice and try out for the local District Athletics Day which will be held at Victor Harbor Primary on Friday 30th August. Further trials and practices will be held. More information for the successful athlete per event will be sent home early Term 3.


SAPSASA Basketball

Students in Year 5, 6 and 7 have been informed of and given the opportunity to trial for our SAPSASA basketball teams which will participate on Wednesday 7th August (Year 6/7 girls) and Thursday 8th August (Year 5/6 and 6/7 boys). These day long carnivals will be held at Morphett Vale. More information will be coming home in Week 1 to the final selected team members.


SAPSASA District Soccer Team

Congratulations to Che, Corey-Jay, Joel, Tyson, Riley, Bailey and Cooper who were selected in the District SAPSASA Soccer team.  The boys played in a week long carnival representing our District in Soccer. The team won the carnival, only losing 1 game for the whole week. They all found this a rewarding experience. Well done boys.


Knockout Boys’ Soccer

 Our third round match was played on Thursday 4th July against McLaren Flat Primary at McLaren Flat.  The boys played really well as a team and won the match 5-0. Thank you to the drivers, Sam for umpiring, Jason for coaching and Angela for washing the uniforms.

We are now through to the quarter final. Well done boys.




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Knockout Boys’ Football

Our third round match is due to be played against Hawthorndene PS on Friday 26th July at Kangarilla Oval. All the best boys.


Knockout Boys’ Soccer

Our second round match was played at the Breakers oval in Port Elliot on Friday 14th June against Meadows Primary.  The boys played skillful, clever soccer in difficult conditions. We won 8-0.  Well done boys.

Thanks to Jason for coaching, to Sam for umpiring and to Angela for scoring and washing uniforms.

Our quarter final match will be played soon against Mclaren Flat.




Oakbank State Cross Country Event

On Thursday 30th May 7 students participated in Cross Country at Oakbank.

Congratulations to James, Jamar, Finlay, Ella, Neriah, Mark and Kasper for their participation. It sounded like it was a tough course with strong opponents but all did their best and had a rewarding experience.  Well done to you all.

“I came 189th out of 500 people in my event. It felt easier than Kent Reserve.” Neriah

“I came 39th out of 500. It was harder than Kent Reserve. It felt like 2.5 km not 2km!” James

“I came 147th out of 400 people and it was a lot harder than I thought it would be!” Mark

“I came 220th out of 500. It was a really nice day and I enjoyed the opportunity to go up there.” Finlay

Knockout Girls’ Netball

On Wednesday 29th May our girls’ knockout netball team played McLaren Flat at McLaren Flat.  The girls tried really hard and drew with the opposition in all but 1 quarter, and unfortunately ended up losing the game overall.

Thanks to Karen for umpiring, Jess for coaching, and to Kerry and Steven for driving and assisting on the day. This support is invaluable and the students would not get to participate in such rewarding experiences without it.

Well done girls.  You did us proud!! 
