On Friday 17th May our boys’ knockout soccer team played Encounter Lutheran at the local town oval. The boys played well as a team and had a convincing win, 6-1! We now are drawn to play Meadows Primary School. Date, time and location are yet to be decided.

Well done to all for their effort and a special mention to those boys who do not play soccer in a regular competition. They showed great skills and listened intently to advice from their experienced team mates.

Thanks to Jason for coaching, Sam for umpiring, Angela for scoring and Brenton for supervising, line umpiring and taking the boys to their game.

Thank you to the Breakers Soccer Club for allowing us to use their facilities.  We greatly appreciate your support 


The Year 6/7 Boys’ Football Carnival and the Year 5/6/7 Girl’s Netball Carnival were held at Encounter Bay Oval and Netball Courts on Friday 3rd May. The students tried their hardest and conducted themselves in a manner of which we are very proud. Great sportsmanship and skills were on display.


The Netballers had 2 wins from 5 games and improved with every game. When you consider that 5 of the 10 girls were Year 5’s this is a very promising sign for our Netball Team in years to come.


Our Footballers finished 1st!! The boys played so well all day as a team and were too strong a unit for any other school, winning undefeated for the day. Well done boys!! PREMIERS


Thank you to the parents who assisted with transport and supervision for these events, and to Richard, Jacky, Jess  and Annie  for coaching and umpiring again this year. Thank you also to Angela for washing the guernseys and to all the parents and grandparents who were cheering us on.


New Football Guernseys

This football carnival was the first opportunity that we had to wear our new Football Guernseys which were designed, organised and sponsored by Jayden and family. The boys looked terrific in the guernseys and many people commented favourably about them. Once again we would like to thank Jayden and his family for this contribution to our school. And what a great way to initiate the guernseys, with a Premiership!!



Cross Country

The annual District Cross Country event was held on Wednesday 8th May at Kent Reserve, Victor Harbor.


30 students aged 10-13 competed for our school.  Well done to all students and thank you to the parents, grandparents etc. who came along to cheer, encourage and support our students.  Also to the parents who assisted me with the organisation on the day, thank you, I greatly appreciated your help.


Congratulations to Ella for coming 1st, James and Henry for finishing 2nd, Jaid and Mark T 3rd, Liam 4th, Kasper and Tom 6th,  Jamar 7th, Neriah 8th and Finlay 9th in their respective events. These students met the qualifying times for the State Oakbank Cross Country carnival and have been invited to attend. Well done to all.



SAPSASA District Team

Congratulations to Georgia who has made it through to the Southern District SAPSASA Netball Team. She will be competing in a carnival at ETSA Park from Monday 20th May until Friday 24th May.


All the best Georgia.




Sports Day

Sports Day

Thursday 11th April 2013

We were fortunate enough to have another beautiful day for our Sports Day this year. It was great to see so many smiling faces and so many spectators encouraging and cheering the students on. I’d like to congratulate the House Captains for the dedicated job they have done and for conducting themselves with such sportsmanship and organisation. You all did a wonderful job.  I’d also like to congratulate all students for a great effort and having a positive attitude towards the day.

 I’d like to make a special mention and offer sincere thanks to Simon Harris and his Year 10/11 Sport, Recreation and Fitness class. These invited High School students spent their day running events, supporting competitors and assisting the House Captains and myself with event organisation. (This experience is part of their Year 10/11 course commitments). You all were of great assistance and displayed such positive, enthusiastic attitudes, which many adults and children noticed and admired.

Thank you also to Cameron and Maddie (last year’s Commodore Captains) for presenting the shield to Freeman’s House Captains.

Congratulations to Freeman for their overall win, but also to Commodore and Boomer for their efforts on the day.

Congratulations to Ella and Joel for winning the Open 800m event.


Golf Clinic

On Thursday 4th April 2013 two Golf coaches came and conducted 50 minute Golf sessions with the Year 4-7 classes. The students were taught about how to grip a club and proper swing techniques for a variety of shots. The students enjoyed this opportunity. We will be covering more Golf Skills in Term 4 as part of our PE program.



In Week 9 a visiting Gymnastics company will be providing all classes with lessons focusing on Gymnastics skills. This will occur during students’ normal PE lesson times.

Kelly and Shannon from Activated Group ran Gymnastics sessions for all classes. Lessons focused on mat, mini tramp, ring, parallel bars, balance, landing and movement skills. The students thoroughly enjoyed this experience and all classes were very responsive and respectful towards the two instructors.


House Captains 2013

​Congratulations to all students who ran for House Captain this year.  

Every student devised a sincere, well thought out speech and were all very worthy candidates.

The successful candidates were:

Boomer: Captain: Chloe, William         Vice Captain: Taylah, Cooper

Commodore: Captain: Georgia, Jack  Vice Captain: Philippa, Tyson

Freeman: Captain: Maddy, Joel          Vice Captain: Hayley, Braeden

​Commodore House Captains and Vice Captains

​Commodore House Captains and Vice Captains

​Freeman House Captains and Vice Captains

​Freeman House Captains and Vice Captains

​Boomer House Captains and Vice Captains(Absent Taylah)​

​Boomer House Captains and Vice Captains

(Absent Taylah)​