Sports Day

Sports Day

Thursday 11th April 2013

We were fortunate enough to have another beautiful day for our Sports Day this year. It was great to see so many smiling faces and so many spectators encouraging and cheering the students on. I’d like to congratulate the House Captains for the dedicated job they have done and for conducting themselves with such sportsmanship and organisation. You all did a wonderful job.  I’d also like to congratulate all students for a great effort and having a positive attitude towards the day.

 I’d like to make a special mention and offer sincere thanks to Simon Harris and his Year 10/11 Sport, Recreation and Fitness class. These invited High School students spent their day running events, supporting competitors and assisting the House Captains and myself with event organisation. (This experience is part of their Year 10/11 course commitments). You all were of great assistance and displayed such positive, enthusiastic attitudes, which many adults and children noticed and admired.

Thank you also to Cameron and Maddie (last year’s Commodore Captains) for presenting the shield to Freeman’s House Captains.

Congratulations to Freeman for their overall win, but also to Commodore and Boomer for their efforts on the day.

Congratulations to Ella and Joel for winning the Open 800m event.
