Student Leadership - Long Jump Pit committee

In 2019, Year 7 House Captains – Brandon, Jackson, Seb, Ruben and Amber – worked with Trina and their class teachers on their goal of gaining permission for, acquiring the funds and organising a long jump pit for our school to use. By the end of Term 4 2019, the Long Jump committee had achieved a great deal and were awaiting feedback from The Show Society about permission, location on the oval, etc. In 2020 Year 7 students Nadia, Jemma, Immy, Holly, Erin, Myah, Izzy, Chloe, Jasper, Karly, Maddi, Patrick and Kobi formed a long jump committee, met every Thursday Break 1, and continued on with this project with Trina’s, Mr Blacker’s and Mr
Beadman’s assistance. Week 5 Monday saw the end product of the students’ hard work, with the sand being delivered and the students finalising the pit. All students are excited to start using the pit in PE lessons and to begin conducting our long jump trials for students wishing to be involved in the Sapsasa Athletics Carnival in Term 4. A fantastic effort by our numerous student leaders.