On Wednesday 13th June, we played Knock Out Netball at Eastern Fleurieu School.  We played a fantastic team game that reflected our school values however the home side of EFS proved too strong for us and we walked away with a loss. 

We started strong only trailing by 3 goals at the conclusion of the first quarter, however the second quarter was our undoing with EFS powering in front with a 10 goal streak.  We pulled ourselves back together well with a commendable group mindset for the final half but the damage had been done.  The girls fought hard and showed immense improvement as the game progressed trying new positions and having fun.

Thanks again to Co-Coach Jodie Edwards for scoring and timekeeping and Trina Doig for giving up endless break times to run practices with the team. Without your help these days and events could not occur. It was also great to see some family spectators and supporters there too. Well done to everyone involved and congratulations on a great effort girls!

       Kate Reynolds PE Teacher