Student Leadership/ Kindergarten Transition

The Year 6/7 students were offered the opportunity to run, with Trina’s support, small PE skills sessions for our neighbouring Kindergarten students, twice a term, in Terms 2 and 3. Lots of students volunteered to plan and run this program, which was great to see. The first session was held on Monday 21st May 9am-9:30am. Congratulations to the Year 6/7 students who ran this program. They were all very organised and treated the younger students with respect and understanding. They all did a fantastic job. The kindergarten students had a great time and learnt lots from them. Well done to all involved. We are looking forward to the sessions in Week 8 and again in Term 3.

Sapsasa Knockout Boys’ Football

On Friday 11th May our Knockout boys’ football team played their first round match against Seaford Rise at Victor Harbor High School. All boys played well and gave 100% all game. The boys won the game very convincingly, resulting in us advancing to the second round.

A big thank you to Paul Loughead and the students in the AFL program for officiating and organising the football game for us. This continued support from our local High School is greatly appreciated.

Thanks again to Brett for coaching the team. Practices are still occurring during designated break times. Thank you also to the parents who watched and supported the students.


We entered a boys’ football team and 2 girls’ netball teams in this carnival. Thank you to Brett for coaching the boys and to Jodie and Kate for coaching and umpiring the netball teams. The players are very appreciative that they got the chance to participate in this event and to learn from your knowledge and skills. The students enjoyed the day, conducting themselves with respect and displaying great sportsmanship. Also, thanks to Nicole for umpiring the netball for us and to Shane and Leanne for assisting with the goal umpiring. Without volunteers Sapsasa events could not occur. So thank you very much.

Southern District SAPSASA Girls  HOCKEY CARNIVAL 2018

25th – 29th June                       Term 2, week 9

If you are a Yr. 6 or 7 student and interested in trying out for the Southern District Girls Hockey SAPSASA Team come along to trails.

Trail Sessions: Monday 7th, 14th & 21st

Where: Victor Harbor Hockey Grounds                                         

51 Armstrong Rd, Victor Harbor

Time: 5pm – 5.45pm

For more information please contact:                                                                     

Team Manager Nicole: 0415 060 959                                       

Coach Lynette: 0422 960 479


We have entered a boys’ football team and 2 girls’ netball teams in this carnival. Practices are being held during designated break times. Thank you to Brett for agreeing to coach the boys and to Jodie and Karen for coaching the netball teams. We are still in need of 2 umpires for the day. If you know of someone who can help us out please let Trina know asap. Thanks.



Students aged 10-13 have been invited to nominate and practice for the Cross Country event to be held at Kent Reserve Wednesday 9th May (Week 2 Term 2). More information was sent home this week with interested students.



It was great to see everyone dressed in their colours, giving 100% effort and having a fun filled day. Congratulations to Freeman for coming first, Commodore second place, Knights third and Boomer fourth. Thank you to all the organisers, helpers (students, staff and parents) and volunteers on the day. Thank you to the Victor Harbor High School Yr 8 and 10 students, mentored by teacher Simon Harris, who assisted beautifully again this year. We are very grateful for this ongoing, outstanding support. Also, thanks to Kingston Area School for supporting Molly to attend to present the shield to the winning team. Congratulations once again to our amazing House Captains who have done a fantastic job all term and on the day. We hope everyone enjoyed themselves. Please feel free to send feedback to the school to be considered for next year.


Our school participates in a wide range of SAPSASA events throughout the year.  As part of Trina’s and Kate’s P.E. roles they train and select students to represent the school at these events. SAPSASA is aimed mainly at Year 6 and 7 students but there will be opportunities for Year 4 and 5 students to participate in some sports. The events we anticipate competing in this year are:

  • Swimming (students born 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005). Wednesday 21st February at Strathalbyn pool
  • Cross Country (students born 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005). Wednesday 9th May at Kent Reserve
  • Athletics (students born 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005). Wednesday 29th August at Victor Harbor Primary
  • Netball (Year 6/7 girls. Knockout Carnival begins Term 2. Victor Harbor High Carnival Wednesday 2nd May)
  • Football (Year 6/7 boys and girls. Knockout Carnival begins Term 2. Encounter Bay Boys Carnival Wednesday 2nd May)
  • Soccer (Year 6/7. Knockout Carnival begins Term 2).
  • Basketball (Year 4/5 Carnival TBA. Year 6/7’s Carnival Wednesday 25th July. Location to be announced)
  • Cricket (Year 6/7’s. T20 Cricket Carnival normally in Term 4).
  • Tennis (Year 4/5’s at Port Elliot Tennis Club TBA)


When information on these events is available we will put notices in the Newsletter and send notes home with the students who are interested.


SAPSASA photo displays will be put up on the gym windows so feel free to come and have a look after events at some of the photos taken.


There also will be opportunities for students to try out for the Southern Fleurieu District Association teams in various sports and also for Sapsasa State teams. Again, when this information becomes available to us we will inform all eligible via the newsletter and notices home. This year the District Sapsasa convenor will also be posting information on the SOUTHERN FLEURIEU FACEBOOK PAGE and the SOUTHERN FLEURIEU LINK ON THE SAPSASA WEBSITE (

Sapsasa State Teams Selections

Interested students wanting to trial for State teams need to refer to the Sapsasa website ( to access all trial information and nomination forms.

If you wish to trial for a team, an online nomination must be completed and submitted by the due date for each sport. Information for each sport is available by clicking on List of Sports, then the sport you are interested in nominating for. (A separate nomination form is required for each sport). It is up to the student and their parent/caregiver to enrol, pay for and attend these try outs. See Trina or Kate at school if you need more information re this process.

2018 House Captains

The candidates who were running for House Captain in 2018 delivered their speeches to all classes on Monday Week 7. Voting occurred in Week 7 PE lessons.

The successful House Captains for 2018 are:

Boomer: Maya, Matilda, Kody and Charlie

Commodore: Maggie, Mak, Thomas and Archie

Knights: Ellie, Eden, Elyssia and Connor

Freeman: Sunset, Astrid, Ruth and Selena

Congratulations to all involved. We hope you found it a rewarding and enjoyable experience.

The new House Captains will have the responsibilities handed over to them at the end of year awards assembly. They will also have training during the remainder of Week 8&9 by the existing House Captains.


A reminder that Sports Day will be held on Friday Week 10, Term 1, 6th April 2018.

Crows visit

On Thursday 9th November Claude the Crow, Brooke and Nigel visited us to present to the whole school the Crows Growing With Gratitude program. The students enjoyed the entertaining presentation which speaks to the children all about positive education, well-being and positive mind sets. All the students received a few prizes as well as an activity booklet. If families wish to access this resource library please visit: www.growingwith