Sapsasa Knockout Boys Soccer

On Friday 19th May our Knockout boys’ soccer team played their first round match against Encounter Lutheran at Port Elliot Breakers Oval. The game was played with a lot of intensity and skill. We were down 0-1 at half time but scored 2 great goals in the second half to win 2-1. Thank you to Josh for coaching the boys and setting up the oval for us, to Amanda for helping us walk there and back and to the Breakers Club for letting us use their facilities. Thanks also to Kevin for being the referee. This support is greatly appreciated. It was great to see so many parents there cheering the boys on too. We are still awaiting confirmation of who our next opponent is. Once this is known a day, time and location will be decided. Trina will send information home with the players once known.

Southern Sapsasa District Hockey and Soccer trials

Students in Year 5, 6, 7 have been offered the opportunity to trial for the Sapsasa Southern District Hockey and Soccer teams. Interested students were given information re this process. If you’d like further information please see Trina at school.

Southern Sapsasa District Netball 

Congratulations to Sophie and Harriet who were selected in the Southern Sapsasa DistrictDiv 1 Netball team to compete for a week in Adelaide against the other school districts in our state. We wish the girls a fantastic time.


23 Students aged 10-13 participated in the Cross Country event held at Kent Reserve Wednesday 17th May. All students tried their best, with our school finishing 5th overall. We had 4 place getters who are now invited to compete at Oakbank on Thursday 1st June representing our District. Congratulations to Rebecca, Brayden and Poppy who all came 2nd in their respective events and to Kai who came 6th in his event. We hope you all enjoy the experience.

Thank you to Sharon for assisting us in getting there and back, and for all your help on the day. Your support is greatly appreciated. Thank you also to all parents who supported and assisted us on the day.

Sapsasa Knockout Football and Netball

Round 2 information:

Girls netball. Monday 29th May, 9:45am at Port Elliot Netball Club vs SeafordThank you to Anthea and the PENC for helping us organise this, for supplying umpires and for the use of their facilities.

Boys football. Friday 2nd June 11:30am at Victor Harbor High vs Unity school (Murray Bridge).Thank you to Paul and the High School again for assisting us with these plans, supplying umpires and for the use of their facilities.

Sapsasa Knockout Football and Netball

On Friday 12th May our Knockout football and netball teams played their first round matches against Encounter Lutheran at Victor Harbor High School. Both teams played well and gave 100% all game. The girls won the netball convincingly and have advanced to the second round. The boys won the football by 1 point, with a goal being scored in the last few seconds of the game, resulting in us winning and also advancing to the second round. Once opposition, location, dates and times are set the information will be sent home with the players.

A big thank you to Paul Loughead and the students in the AFL program for officiating and organising the football game for us, and to Simon Harris and the students from the Specialist Sports program for organising and officiating the netball game for us. This continued support from our local High School is greatly appreciated.

Thanks again to Brett and Jodie for coaching the teams. Practices are still occurring with these coaches during designated break times. Thank you also to the parents who watched and supported the students.


Interested Year 6/7 Students have been invited to nominate and trial for the Knockout teams who will compete in games during Term 2. This competition is played in rounds. If we win our first round we will progress to the second round with time, date and location to be determined. But, if we lose in any round then we are “knocked out” of the competition and will not participate in further games for this year. Final teams have been selected, consent forms have been sent home and practices are occurring.

Dates and locations:

Boys Football and Girls Netball: Friday 12th May 1pm at Victor Harbor High School. Thank you to Jodie for coaching the netball team and to Brett for coaching the boys’ football team.

Boys Soccer: Friday 19th May 1pm at Breakers Oval. Thank you to Josh for coaching the boys’ soccer team. 

Girls Football: Monday 22nd May 10am at Hackham East School. Thanks to Hamish and Riley for coaching the girls football team with Trina.

Girls Soccer (Game and location still to be determined)Thanks to Khai who is assisting Trina coach the girls soccer team.

A huge thanks to all coaches, umpires, scorers, timekeepers, drivers, etc who volunteer their time to help the students participate in Sapsasa. We rely heavily on volunteers to make these events occur. Again, we are all very grateful. 


Students in Year 5,6,7 have been offeredinformation re the 2017 Golf SA – Primary School Golf Event for our local area. 

Event process

Stage 1 – Golf Try Out Day, Friday 19th May at Victor Harbor Golf Club

Stage 2 – Southern Districts Qualifying – Willunga Golf Club, Thursday 15th June.

Stage 3 – Golf SA – PSG State Event and SAPSASA Championship and team selection, over August 31st and September 1st at Adelaide Shores.

If your child is interested and has not taken the information from Trina home, please contact her at school.


We entered a boys’ football team and 2 girls’ netball teams in this carnival. Thank you to Brett for coaching the boys and to Jodie, Karen, Anthea and Wendy for coaching and umpiring the netball teams. The players are very appreciative that they got the chance to participate in this event and to learn from your knowledge and skills. The students enjoyed the day, conducting themselves with respect and displaying great sportsmanship.

Boomer Chant

Boomer Boomer that’s our name

We will enter the hall of fame

Commodore and Freeman better run

We are going to be number 1

We‘ll try our best and never give up

At the end of the day

We’ll be holding the shield up

The other teams will hear this year

Boomer screaming loud and clear




The SAPSASA Swimming carnival was held in Week 4 on Wednesday 22nd February at Strathalbyn Swimming Centre. We had 14 students compete and represent our school. Well done to the students for trying their hardest and achieving their best result on the day. Thanks to Tara for being team manager and to the parents who drove, assisted with official duties and supported us.


Port Elliot Netball Club and Goolwa/Port Elliot Football Club (assisted by staff and students from the Victor Harbor High School Specialist AFL Program) hosted a skills session for Reception – Year 5 girls and boys on Friday 17th February. This was a chance for our girls and boys to get information about netball and football competitions in our area. Thank you to the volunteers (Anthea, Jacky, Wendy, Verity and Cherie) for running this opportunity for the students and a special thanks to the staff and students from the Victor Harbor High School Specialist AFL Program (Mitch, Brayden, Rory, Mitch, Cooper, Cody, Ollie and Caleb) for assisting in the running of the football clinic. The students really enjoyed these opportunities. If you would like more information about any local sporting club and opportunities for your child please speak to Trina at school.


Our school participates in a wide range of SAPSASA events throughout the year.  As part of Trina’s P.E. role she trains and selects students to represent the school at these events. SAPSASA is aimed mainly at Year 6 and 7 students but there will be opportunities for Year 4 and 5 students to participate in some sports. The events we anticipate competing in this year are:

  • Swimming (students born 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004). Wednesday 22nd February at Strathalbyn pool
  • Cross Country (students born 2007,2006, 2005, 2004). Wednesday 17th May at Kent Reserve
  • Athletics (students born 2007,2006, 2005, 2004). Wednesday 30th August at Victor Harbor Primary
  • Netball (Year 6/7 girls. Knockout Carnival begins Term 2. Encounter Bay Carnival Wednesday 3rd May)
  • Football (Year 6/7. Knockout Carnival begins Term 2. Encounter Bay Carnival Wednesday 3rd May)
  • Soccer (Year 6/7. Knockout Carnival begins Term 2).
  • Basketball (Year 6/7’s Carnival Wednesday 9th August or Thursday 10th August. Location to be announced)
  • Cricket (Year 6/7’s. Encounter Bay Carnival normally in Term 4).

When information on these events is available Trina will put notices in the Newsletter and send notes home with the students who are interested. SAPSASA photo displays will be put up on the gym windows so feel free to come and have a look after events at some of the photos taken.

There also will be opportunities for students to try out for the Southern Fleurieu District Association teams in various sports and also for Sapsasa State teams. Again, when this information becomes available to Trina she will inform all eligible via the newsletter and notices home. This year the District Sapsasa convenor will also be posting information on the SOUTHERN FLEURIEU FACEBOOK PAGE and the SOUTHERN FLEURIEU LINK ON THE SAPSASA WEBSITE (

Sapsasa State Teams Selections

Interested students wanting to trial for State teams need to refer to the Sapsasa website ( to access all trial information and nomination forms.

If you wish to trial for a team, an online nomination must be completed and submitted by the due date for each sport. Information for each sport is available by clicking on List of Sports, then the sport you are interested in nominating for. (A separate nomination form is required for each sport). It is up to the student and their parent/caregiver to enrol, pay for and attend these try outs. See Trina at school if you need more information re this process.

House Captains for 2017

Congratulations to all the students who ran for 2017 House Captain. The students who were voted in by their peers to represent them this year at Sports Day and throughout the year are:

Boomer: Rebecca, Illuka, Jack C, Jobe

Commodore: Abbi, Sophie, Dane, Dylan

Freeman: Molly, Kacey, Hamish, Khai

These students have started preparing for Sports Day, have organised the new team chants, the warm up and are coordinating recess and lunch time activities. Congratulations to them all for their dedicated, hard work.

Milo T20 Blast School Cricket Cup at Encounter Bay Oval

The MILO T20 Blast School Cup is being held at Encounter Bay Oval on Tuesday 25th October. Students from Year 6/7 have been invited to enter teams of 8 or 9 to be a part of this carnival.

Each team gets to play four action packed games of cricket. Every player gets a chance to bat, bowl and field. It's an exciting atmosphere, complete with music and dancing just like the KFC T20 Big Bash League. Regional winners play on Adelaide Oval with the state winners to play at the MCG!

This is the carnival our girls’ team won in 2014 and got to play on Adelaide Oval. This same carnival in 2014 our boys team won, then went on to win the Adelaide Oval carnival – becoming State Champs - and then went on to win the carnival in Melbourne on the MCG – becoming National Champions!

Each team MUST have an adult in charge of their team before the team will be registered. So if any adults are willing to run a team on the day please see me at school or send me in a note with your child. Registrations are due no later than 22nd September.